Meet the Team

Meet Our Team

Craig Fluter, CSAC Executive Director

Craig Fluter, Founder of Westcoast Interventions and acknowledged as Canada’s Leading Interventionist by Together We Can, has been an active member of the Vancouver recovery community since 2005. He earned his Addictions Counselling Diploma from Vancouver Community College and has maintained certification. In addition, Craig holds Certificates in Conflict Resolution, Non-Violent Intervention, Anger Management and Medication Management for Health Care Workers

Trista Zamany, BA Director of Marketing

Recovery Coach Trista Zamany, based on Vancouver Island has found solace and a deep-routed passion for helping others through her own recovery journey.  Trista is also certified with Addiction Care and Treatment from the University of British Columbia Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine, designed in partnership with BC Centre for Substance Use and UBC School of Nursing.

Joey McGeough, Director of Operations

Joey brings over seven years experience working in addictions recovery to the table.  He has worked in many capacities over years relating to recovery. He has been a support worker, Client care coordinator of the largest treatment center in Canada, a counselor and a group facilitator.  Joey has worked hard is his recovery career to provide education and resources to the addict community.  Joey uses his experienced background as well as his own personal recovery to provide detailed and specific learning and educational strategy’s to addictions workers. His extensive knowledge of biology, psychology and philosophy inform and enhance his own successful recovery business that has helped so many clients and families to go on to live long happy and connected lives. Joey promises to bring the same energy and enthusiasm to the role of Director of Operations and continue to be a highly active and prominent member of the recovery community.